The Messy and the Dead
by Karin Beuerlein The dead of winter is actually a wonderful time in the backyard garden—a time to reflect on the bones of your plants and watch birds gather at the feeder. (Though it’s 72 degrees as I write this [...]
by Karin Beuerlein The dead of winter is actually a wonderful time in the backyard garden—a time to reflect on the bones of your plants and watch birds gather at the feeder. (Though it’s 72 degrees as I write this [...]
by Karin Beuerlein In my last post, I mentioned taking inventory of the native plants in my yard based on entomologist Doug Tallamy’s research. You can draw a straight line from more native plants to more native insects to better [...]
by Karin Beuerlein Hello, and welcome to the KTOS Better Backyards Blog! My name is Karin Beuerlein. I’m an avid gardener and I’m passionate about creating backyard habitat for birds with native plants. I’m sure you heard the disturbing news [...]