Please support KTOS by joining or renewing as a member. Your membership dues allow us to offer engaging monthly meetings and exciting field trips. Chapter members receive our newsletter, Through the biKNOXulars, nine times per year along with membership in the state Tennessee Ornithological Society. By being a state member, members will also receive the The Tennessee Warbler newsletter and The Migrant quarterly journal.
The membership year runs January 1 through December 31. Membership dues are to be paid before the start of the new calendar year. You can mail in your membership or bring it to the monthly meeting.
Membership levels per year:
Individual $26
Family $30
Sustaining $38
Student $13
You can print the following form and mail it in with a check or you can register and pay online using the options below.
Please contact Tony Headrick at tonyheadrk@aol.com for more information.